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February 3, 2020

Social studies vocabulary

1) Indentured servant: a person who has to work for a period of time without being paid to pay back the costs for their trip to the colony.

2) Parish: a district having its own church and priest.

3) Wilt: become limp through heat

4) Cultivate: to prepare and use land for crops and gardening

5) Treaty: and agreement between two parties

6) House of Burgesses: the first law-making assembly in an English colony. It helped establish the tradition of self- government in the English colonies

7) Charter: a document that permitted colonists to settle on land claimed by their ruler

8) Stock: shares in a company

9) Source: written or oral account that may provide information

10) Plantation: Large farm with many workers who live on the land they work


January 7, 2020


No new social studies vocabulary this week. 




Here are the voc. terms for the week of Dec. 2 - 6th, 2019

Columbian Exchange Vocabulary


1. isolated: separated from others; without interaction

2. Columbian Exchange: the widespread exchange of plants, animals, ideas, technology, cultural practices, and diseases between the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere during the time of European discovery, exploration, and colonization of the Americas

3. famine: extreme shortage or scarcity of food

4. domesticate: to breed or train animals to be cared for by humans, and possibly to work to produce food for humans

5. cash crop: a crop grown for the purpose of selling it rather than consuming it

6: immunity: a person’s ability to avoid or fight off disease

7. erosion: gradual destruction of a feature by forces of natural like wind, water, or ice

8. slavery: the practice of holding humans captive

9. Old World: a term that refers to Europe during the time of European discovery and exploration

10. New World: a term that refers to North America during the time of European discovery and exploration


Here are the voc. terms for Nov. 4th - 8th, 2019

1) Vikings: expert shipbuilders and sea explorers who lived in northern Europe in the 8th and 10th centuries

2. Renaissance: a period of time when Europeans became became more curious about arts, sciences, and unexplored lands

3. Age of Exploration: a period of time from about 1450 to 1700 when European countries sent ships around the world.

4. motivations: the reasons people take action or act a certain way

5. silk: a strong, soft fiber made by silkworms, used to make thread and fabric

6. missionary: a person on a journey to spread their religion

7: mercantilism: an economic policy where a nation can increase its wealth by creating and trading with colonies

8: Old World: Europe

9. Conquistador: a Spanish conqueror of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century

10. Navigation: the process of finding your way to a place

11. Astrolabe: a device to measure distance on the ocean

12: Compass: a device that let sailors tell direction without relying on the sun and stars




Here are the vocabulary terms for September 16-20, 2019


  1. mercenaries: professional soldiers hired to serve in a foreign army.
  2. subjects: a citizen or member of a state other than its supreme ruler.
  3. sacrifice: an act of slaughtering an animal or person as an offering to a god.
  4. dyke: long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding.
  5. glyph: a hieroglyphic character or symbol.
  6. wattle: a material for making fences consisting of rods or stakes interlaced with branches.
  7. quetzal: a bird that has green and red feathers.
  8. appease: satisfy
  9. staple: a main or important element of a diet.


    10. mosaic: a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.

    11. Aqueducts:  a canal or passage through which liquids pass. They provided the Aztecs. freshwater which was used for drinking and for watering plants.





Aug. 26 - 30th. 


Social studies vocabulary terms


Week 2: Aug 26 – 29


  1. Domesticate: tame a wild animal to keep as a pet or farm animal
  2. Hypothesis: a guess based on the information available
  3. Revolution: a major change in government or culture
  4. Prehistory: a period of time, long ago, before humans began recording history
  5. Artisans: skilled workers who makes things by hand
  6. Agricultural revolution: the discovery of farming that allowed people to stay in one place to farm
  7. Specialization: to focus on one particular product, activity, or job
  8. Polytheistic: the belief in or worship of more than one god
  9. Mesoamerica: the land that stretches between what is now the United States and South America
  10. Empire: a group of countries or region controlled by one ruler
  11. Architecture: the job of designing and building, open areas, communities, and structures
  12. Mummify: to preserve a body by embalming it and wrapping it in cloth
  13. Government: the control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states.
  14. Technology: use of scientific knowledge or new tools to make or do something
  15. Hierarchy: a system of organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority




Here are the voc. terms for Aug 19 - 23rd.






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